Smarty Ears Solutions For Schools

Imagine being able to offer school based speech-language pathologists access to a library of games specifically designed for speech, language and literacy. Now, imagine if that same online platform was able to automatically track student progress and provide means to collaboration across disciplines when supporting students who need support in the literacy, language and communication skills. That's what we are offering! A comprehensive data-driven and collaborative platform to give k-12 students their best chance at learning.

Speech Therapy Software for schools

What's Unique about The School license?

A comprehensive platform for Speech, Language and Literacy!

For over a decade speech-language pathologists have purchased Smarty Ears apps on iOS devices with their own funds. They fell in love with the graphics, the content and our unique approach to data tracking and content delivery. Once a school purchase access to their speech-language pathologists, each clinician will have their own login where they can build their caseload and provide services to each one of their students. Our apps and speech therapy software for schools target all areas of speech, language and communication.

Unique services our software provides

SLPs don't need hundreds of apps. They need one that will do everything they need.

Student Management System for Special Educators

Access Dynamic Activities!(Not static pdf. files)

Transfer students between clinicians

A Home Program allows SLPs to send personalized practice games

All the amazing Smarty Ears apps SLP have always loved, now in one place accessed from ANY device!

A decade of excellence in software development


Over the last decade, Smarty Ears has been developing speech, language and communications apps for iOS devices.  While we will forever love our iPad apps, we understand that having 70 Smarty Ears apps as stand alone products became too much to manage. 

The same speech therapy blog apps that have been tested and proved effective and efficient in evaluation and actual speech therapy demo can now be accessed from any device connected to the internet. Speech and Language Academy will allow Smarty Ears to continue to grow its content library, while delivering new features only possible with a robust platform.

The features and services provided on our SLA can’t be found anywhere else in the marketplace. 

Visual Information gives everyone guidance on service delivery.

Discounts available for 10 or more licenses

Pricing & plans

SLP Access

One login per speech-language pathologist
$ 180
  • Unlimited Student Profiles
  • Access to all Games
  • Goal Bank
  • Data Tracking
  • Hundreds of pdf files
  • Data export
  • Transfer students between clinicians

SLP + Home Access

One Login per SLP and one account per student
$ 230
  • All the features of SLP Access
  • Set up Home Access
  • Assign Activities for Home Practice
  • View Data from Home Practice
  • Increase Home Collaborations

Funding source ideas to cover the cost of purchasing Speech and Language Academy:

  • Medicaid
  • ESSER Funds
  •  Title I
  • Title II

Contact our Sales team at [email protected] with any questions regarding submitting your purchase order.

We accept purchase orders

Get the only platform that has all your speech-language pathologists need.

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(It is Free!)

Everything SLPs Need

The most comprehensive technology library for speech therapy

Smarty Ears Learning is a comprehensive technology that will ease the load on speech pathologists, facilitate caseload management strategies, increase student participation and collaboration with families and providing speech therapist for toddlers.

Student Management, Goal Banks
Games, Activities and Lessons
Data Tracking and Caseload Overview

We are constantly updating our software

Check out our features:

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What games and activities do we have?